Shop will be open from 28 Sep 24.
Our site is now up to date with this years Fireworks for Bonfire Night.
This years Discounts will be applied... in due course
Hurricane: Coloured palms, white glitter and red strobes.Acid Rain: Red and green peony's with acid rain (crackling) and a finale of golden flowers.Lightning Strike: Red, green, blue and pink peony's with silver, red and green strobes.Each cake finishes with a barrage of noise as the last four shots..
It’s been a while since we’ve had a pure mine cake and Angel Dust really fits the bill. Firing 20 shots of gold brocade mines with either coloured tips or crackling...
Angel Dust XL by Brothers Pyrotechnics is a new addition to the super popular Angel dust family. This is a 25 version to produce even bigger effects for the low noise market. Angel dust XL is sure to be a popular choice for those looking to keep the noise down...
Cha-Ching by Brothers Pyrotechnics is a brilliant 49 shot firework that boast a gorgeous mine lift into dazzling strobes. This is just another brilliant piece that we think you will love. ..
A best seller from brothers for the last few years. A popular firework for the ladies this one.Diamond Princess fires 28 shots of with huge golden willows puncturing the sky with red, green & blue strobe tips. gold brocades with coloured tips, halfway through we get a crackle thrown in..
Exploding Cherries is a 16 shot aerial barrage firework by Brothers Pyrotechnics. Whilst being a high quality and high-performance firework it is labelled up as being a 'garden firework' Exploding Cherries fires its starts up to around mature tree height so if you do have more space to view th..
Fire Flys by Brothers Pyrotechnics is a 120 shot barrage, creating a lot of noise and doing exactly what you'd think. This missile cake was originally named Night Bugs, but Fire Flys is a great little cake for you back garden which will surely be noticed due to the pure frenzy it brings!..
Fireworks Crazy Mini fires 100 shots, is a garden firework (minimum viewing distance = 8m), rapidly fires its shots, has a good duration and then a finale salvo to finish the display off with; what more could you want...
An icy blast of blue, red and green mines erupt from every tube in volleys of three to burst overhead with red, green and blue dahlia accompanied by stunning gold brocade in this 36 shot max bore firework from Brothers...
Throwing a good Bonfire Night with fireworks is simply impossible without barrages, and Glittering Heights is one of the best options for this! 25 shots of incredible red bursts and crackles in a fanned display, are quite enough to turn any event into a night to remember!Green Flying Fish
Cracking ..